Paul Weller's son Natt Weller is debuting as a solo artist in Japan. Do I know who this guy or his dad are? Not really, I made some research but I only payed attention to the relevant, which is:
*This guy is from the UK or so it seems.
*He went to Japan once, fell in love with the culture and music. So he studied the language.
*He's some type of DJ or whatever.
*He likes to wear skirts.
So yeah... Not much of a research. I but I saw this on mah newsfeed today on YouTube, since I'm subscribed to Avex' official channel (you should do that too), gave it a look and I was shocked. First of all, he's a foreigner, not foreigner as in Korean or even Chinese, but from the UK. You don't often see western people singing in Japanese, much less pursuing a music career in Japan. Second, he's a male solo act, which I'm interested in finding some new guys to listen to, so I had to check him out. And, he's wearing a skirt in his video.
It doesn't matter how bad the song and video are, the western/not white/singing with an accent/fem guy is wearing a skirt. He's trying to pursue a solo career in Japan with all those things going on... Does it tell you something? No? Well it surely does to me, and that something is that he's got as many chances as Crystal Kay to get a hit on the charts. No, fo' real. No joke, this guy's doomed. Ask Himeka, Howie D or CK. Those guys guys tried to get themselves a solo career in Japan and they returned to the US before their labels dropped them for selling like shit. Minus Crystal, she knows what getting a platinum certificate is like.
But anyways, this is not the first time I've been shocked by mah fave label, a.k.a Avex Trax. Ya'll know that FAKY girlgroup? That was a shocker, but they won't stop there. Avex has mo' shocks to deliver. More of that soon!
You can get more info on the newest solo male act in the JPop scene on his official site.
He'got an album coming soon!
"Floppage on the way!!" |
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